Student Playwright Reader's Theater
Next Gen at the Center is announcing its first-ever student playwright competition. High school and college students from Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, and Otsego counties are invited to submit original plays (3-6 minutes long) around the theme, "Finding Your Voice." Winning submissions will be performed by Little Traverse Civic Theater actors at a SPRighT Showcase in Reader’s Theater style on May 10. Winning playwrights will be invited to guest-direct their work between April 18 and May 9.
Scripts may be monologues or include multiple characters. No set or staging; these will be performed in Reader’s Theater style. As a general rule, each student playwright may submit up to three scripts. All scripts must be formatted in standard stage play format: 12pt Courier font; Title and character names in ALL CAPS; 1” margins, except for left margin at 1.5”.
No inappropriate/adult content, including vulgar language. Call with questions if you're uncertain.
Scripts are due Monday, April 7, 2025; they may not exceed 7 pages and must include:
- Playwright’s personal statement (1 – 3 sentences) about how the play addresses the theme, Finding Your Voice
- Title Page
- Dramatis Personae Page (Cast of Characters) with a brief description of each character.
Important Dates
Submissions due: April 7
Showcase: Saturday, May 10 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | Crooked Tree Arts Center